Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Healthy food choices

Please take an easy and simple action to stop two bills that will really hinder our right to choose healthy foods! With just a week to go until elections, just please click on the link below to alert your senators and the president NOT to support S510 and S3767:

This is SO necessary for our freedoms in choosing the foods we want to eat without (literally) being outlaws!

Thanks for doing this: IT'S EASY.

Barbara Ellingson,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Progress on composting

Composting: we've been at it a month.
Nice to know our kitchen waste is feeding bugs and bacteria
which will then decompose and recycle the waste and feed our plants.

We see little creepy crawlies are going up the sides of the bin.
A perfect example of--build it, and they will come!